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Showing posts from October, 2018

Dear Diary

Write 31 Days - Day 4 Dear Diary  : Write a journal entry. October 4, 2018 7:13pm Dear Journal, It's been a long day. I'm tired. In fact, I'm always tired. Eternally tired. Sick and tired of being sick and tired. I just want to sleep. I have a theory. Rumplestiltskin didn't pause to rest and accidentally sleep for years and years. He did what many of us can only dream of: he escaped into the wilderness to avoid reality and get some peaceful rest. It's really not that hard to believe. Certainly more plausible than sleeping for 100 years. I'm rambling. Then again, when don't I ramble? My brain is like a carousel of thoughts that just never stops. No wonder why I'm always exhausted.                                                Goodnight,                                 ...

What You Don't Know

Write 31 Days - Day 2 What You Don't Know  : Write about a secret you've been keeping.         So, let me just start off by saying this isn't a prompt I've been looking forward to. I have quite a few secrets eating away at me, none of which I'm jumping at the chance to spill. In fact, many of them I plan on taking to the grave.          About 15 years ago, I was committed to an institution by the state I live in. I was charged with arson. I was deemed mentally unfit; I was a danger to myself and others. It was time for me to go away.         After a few months, I was over it all. Done with the locked doors. Done with the night checks every five minutes. Done with the strip searches. Somehow, I longed for the home I hated so much. I needed to leave.         Until you have made progress and can show that you are no longer a threat to yourself or others, you will stay here.     ...

Dictionary Definition

A few days late starting off, but here we go! Write 31 Days - Day 1 Dictionary Definition : Open the page of the dictionary to a random word. Write using this word as inspiration. defiance  noun de·fi·ance   |   \   di-ˈfī-ən(t)s  ,    dē-  \ Definition of  defiance  1 :  the act or an instance of defying jailed for  defiance  of a court order 2 :  disposition to resist  :  willingness to contend or fight dealing with a child's  defiance                 When most people hear the word "defiant", they think of a person who refuses to follow the rules put in place by authority, such as a child defying their parents. Rarely do people ever think about the positive side of being defiant: standing against the 'norms' of society to be who you really are or to do what you believe is right.           ...